Marga Boogaard (1959)

NAME: Marga Boogaard
STUDIO: Burgemeester de Zeeuwstraat 26
3281AJ Numansdorp
PHONE: +31 651700691
PROFESSION: Visual artist/ceramist
VAT: NL001499537B44
CoC: 55637396
3-year craft training in ceramic techniques at SBB Gouda (Dutch Ceramics Training)
Additional learning year glazes at SBB Gouda
Additional learning year hand moulding at SBB Gouda
Artist memberships and details:
- Member of BOK
- SBB purchases work (Celtic Key) 2012
- Auction of a sculpture for the PUIK VOOR ELKAAR foundation
- Chapter in the book BEWUSTZIJNSKUNSTENAARS part 2 about artists on their life and work
- Selected as one of the talents of the Dutch Ceramics Training in Gouda
- Various radio interviews
- Publications in KLEI magazine and regional newspapers
- In 2021 and 2023, examiner of the 3-year Dutch Ceramics Training in Gouda
- Interview in New Ceramics/Neue Keramik “IN STUDIO WITH MARGA BOOGAARD”.
- Participation in the Biennial in Haacht, Belgium in October 2023.
- Exhibitor during the exhibition "Building with Clay" from September 2023 to mid-January 2024 at Ceramics Center Tiendschuur in Tegelen.
- Lecture "Building with Clay" at Ceramics Center Tiendschuur on 5 November 2023.
- Selected to participate in the 15th Westerwald Ceramics Prize 2024 at Ceramics Museum Westerwald in Germany.